Session 1 | Freedom in Worship
What, or whom, will you worship in 2025? You can choose God’s freedom
over bondage to sin and find the life you were created for. In the coming
weeks, we will explore a life of authentic worship, lived in community.
Session 2 | Generous Worship!
What, or whom, will you worship? How we invest our time, energy, and resources are good indicators of where our worship is directed. Let’s consider how to worship generously!
Session 3 | A Sacrifice of Worship
A significant part of Biblical worship involved bringing sacrifices to the Temple in Jerusalem. This included offerings of praise, thanksgiving, or a sin offering to restore fellowship with God. As followers of Jesus, the New Covenant has changed the way we offer a sacrifice of worship!
Session 4 | He Deserves Our Worship
When the prophet Isaiah was called by God into ministry service, it began with an incredible vision of God’s glory. This scene speaks to us about an attitude of worshipping the God who is worthy of our praise and adoration!
Session 5 | Worship Wins The Victory
As Joshua prepared to lead the Israelites against Jericho, it was a daunting challenge! The city had already been standing for several thousand years and boasted strong walls, gates, and a defensible position, especially against a nomadic group of pastoralists. The strategy given to take the city was unexpected...
Session 6 | Worthy is The Lamb
In Revelation chapters 4-5, God pulls back the curtain of Heaven giving John the opportunity to witness the worship of the Father on the throne and the Son who is worthy to receive worship, honor, and glory...
Journey To The Cross | Intro Week 1 | 7 Miracles / 7 “I Am”
March 5 is Ash Wednesday, which begins the season of Lent - a time to prepare our heart, mind, and body to experience the remembrance of Good Friday and celebration of Easter in fresh, new ways. This week, we prepare for a Journey!